The cold and rain moved elsewhere this morning, and we are feeling fit and fine once again after a lot of rest. It's amazing how different a place looks when the sun is shining. The harbor is sparkling outside our window and the town is vibrant with white and pastel facades and red tile roofs. Samos is considered one of the most beautiful of the Greek Islands. Tall mountains rise from the sea, and there are thick forests covering much of the island. Many of the islands in the Aegean are dry and barren. Samos has broad, fertile valleys that produce abundant crops throughout the year.
This morning, we joined Jim and Stephen for a tour of the local archaeolgical museum in Vathi (also known as "Samos Town.") We were surprised at the high quality of the museum, considering the small size of the community and the Island. The "Colossal Kuros" (18 foot tall, 6th century BC statue of a man) is featured in the museum, as well as hundreds of tiny, whimsical sculptures dug up on the island. Afterward, Leroy and I explored the waterfront further and dipped our feet into the harbor. The Aegean is colder than the Mediterranean to the south. I'm determined to swim in it, though, sometime this month!
We crossed to the south side of the island and the beautful village of Pythagorio, birthplace of Pythagorus (of Pythagorean theorum fame.) After eating a lunch of leftover bread and cheese by the sea, we continued on to the "Temple of Hera" archaeological site. The complex was dedicated to the goddess Hera and featured a temple with 150 stone pillars. Only one pillar remains, and it is half its original height. I took a photo of Leroy next to it, and it completely dwarfs him. It's been so amazing to see these ancient sites (many of which I never heard of until we stumbled upon them) and consider the lives of those who lived there so long ago. Things have certainly changed since then!
Speaking of change, I've been keeping up with news via the internet and have
been thrilled to see the addition of Rhode Island, Deleware, and Minnesota to states providing for marriage equality. Three states in less than three weeks! With twelve states plus D.C. on board, and California expected by the end of June (and maybe Illinois in the near future) there is no doubt we're on a roll toward full civil marriage rights for all same-sex couples in America.
After a brief re-appearance of raindrops this afternoon, the sun is shining again and I will do some drawing on our balcony before dinner. Tomorrow is expected to be hot, and we will explore the beaches of Samos.