We are staying for two nights in Santa Monica, California, before arriving in Long Beach for the UCC General Synod. My best friend from childhood, Jeff Youngs, and his wife Julie are putting us up (putting up with us?) here. Jeff and I met in Mr. Scheel's fourth grade class at Huth Road School on Grand Island and have been buddies ever since. We went on all sorts of biking adventures as teens and have kept our friendship going for over forty years now. Jeff is a business consulant and Julie is co-owner of a surrogacy service. Their three kids are great, though only one is home now for the summer.
This morning I woke to the news that the Supreme Court had ruled on the two cases regarding same-sex marriage. It's great to be in California on the day that Prop 8 was finally put to rest and marriage equalilty has been returned to residents here! The Defense of Marriage Act was ruled unconsititutional, meaning that same-sex couples receiving civil marriage recognition by their states will receive federal recognition and benefits as well. This is a huge advance in the movement toward full marriage equality for all U.S. citizens. In the several weeks after our return to New York, I will officiate at five weddings. Three are for same-sex couples; how great that not only their state but the federal government recognizes the value of their relationships and will protect them with the same rights given to others!